Artículos publicados

What Are Common Diseases and Pests of Lettuce, Basil, And Cucumbers Grown In Aquaponics?
Humans are not the only organisms that find lettuce, basil and cucumber a tasty treat and despite your best efforts your crop can become affected by disease or pests.The best form of defense against plant disease and pests is the farmer’s shadow, meaning the farmer needs to be actively looking for the presence and signs of disease and pests in and around their production area.

What Are the Basic Water Quality Parameters to Monitor for Aquaponic Systems
What Are the Basic Water Quality Parameters to Monitor for Aquaponic Systems Aquaponic systems require regular monitoring of water quality on a weekly basis to ensure good fish and plant health.

Ultraviolet (UV) Light Technology in Aquaculture

How to Identify and Cement Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe for Aquaculture Purposes

How to Cycle a Biofilter | Aquatic Systems

Ozone… How Do I Apply It

Dissolved Oxygen Instruments


Ozone Contact, Waste Not, Want Not…..
As things continue to heat up and Aquaculture Industry it is becoming more and more important to understand the key pieces to success. One piece to be in successful is to avoid waste. As we all know, the lower the production cost, the more possible profit there is to be had and a quicker return on investment.

Air stones and diffusers, oh my!
Picking the correct diffuser for your application will save both time, money, and possibly unnecessary mortalities in your system.

The Life of RAS

Pentair sale de la industria acuícola
En reacción a la noticia de la salida de Pentair de la industria, los ejecutivos de Aquatic Equipment and Design (AED) aseguraron a la industria acuícola que todavía tiene "un socio en suministros y diseño acuícola".
"Huy y yo estamos orgullosos de haber podido aprender de Bob y continuar con su misión y valores hoy", dijo Riedel-Stone en un comunicado.
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